POZZOLI – Packaging Première & PCD 2024

30On the occasion of Packaging Première & PCD Milan 2024, the event that showcases the best of packaging solutions for the luxury and beauty sectors, Studeo group designed the multimedia stand of Pozzoli SPA, a leading company in the field of custom and high-profile packaging.

The studio developed the concept and design of the exhibition space, as well as the interactive installation that was the focus of the booth: a 55-inch vertical touch totemic monitor, embedded externally to the booth structure, that invites visitors to create their own packaging in collaboration with artificial intelligence.

The artwork produced is then sent by the company to the visitor who, by filling in the form, leaves his or her data and email.

The installation was supported by a catchy call-to-action that expresses the company’s highly innovative character and cutting-edge spirit:

Create your Packaging with AI! Today it does not exist, but if you can imagine it, tomorrow you might find it: the impossible for us is not a limitation, it is our daily challenge.
